Dr. Brandon L. Key- Lead Pastor
Kisha Brown- Executive Pastor of Operations
Whitney Lawson- Executive Pastor of Ministry
Sierra Key- Children’s Pastor
Nathan Lawson- Student Pastor
Valarie Espinoza- Secretary
Rusty Hadden- CR Director

Church Board- Leon Barton, Harold Maness, Cole Abney, Mickey Abney, Brandon Bryant, Andrew Simons, Ann Moski, Josh Prescott

Board of Trustees- Brandon Bryant, Cole Abney2022 was a year of great progress. Entering into 2023, we do so having accomplished much and experiencing the favor of God. In October 2022, we completed and moved into our Ministry Center. This has allowed our student and children ministries to expand and minister in spaces adequate to meet all needs. During this time, we saw the financial favor of God as He allowed us to not only complete the Ministry Center but to do so with great financial responsibility. Along with the completion of the Ministry Center, GC acquired by donation the property beside our current campus, adding 2 more acres to the church for expansion and ministry.

GC Kids
GC Kids moved into the new Ministry Center in 2022, creating a 3-4-year-old class and expanding its volunteer base. Security measures were strengthened to protect our children and workers. To accomplish this new check-in/out procedures and an Aiken County Sheriff’s officer were added.
In the summer, we provided local summer camps for our children and the children in our community. Through our summer internship program, we had our first children’s ministry intern and had 3 interns serve in our local church camps and our overnight camps. We also hosted our first basketball camp for children in the church and community which was led by one of our interns and overseen by our children’s ministry leaders. We also participated in the Aiken Small Business Vendor Market with our school supply giveaway.
Along with these events, we provided underwear and socks for the local schools through our supply drive, provided coloring books and crayons to our children's hospital, and hosted a trunk or treat to minister to the community.

GC Students
GC Students moved into the new Ministry Center in 2022. This allowed us to move our monthly hangouts to weekly opportunities for the students to connect and grow in their faith. In 2022, we also launched our Youth Homeless Ministry Initiative. This ministry collects and distributes needed materials to the homeless community in our area. This ministry was birthed out of the heart of one of our students.

GC Music/Media
Our Music Ministry saw the creation of a Children’s Choir that consisted of our 1st-5th graders. We also completed our Christmas Musical, seeing our largest crowd to date for that event. We also created a designated space for our Livestream/production team to operate and expand. We also hosted the Triumphant Quartet for our church and community.

GC Missions
This past year, our missions team returned to Nicaragua. Our missions team also hosted our first Family Fun Night, our 2nd annual golf tournament, and has reached into our local Hispanic community. Our missions department is involved locally with FCA, our food banks, and our Celebrate Recovery program. Our food bank moved into a larger facility on our campus, expanded its volunteer base, and established a blessing box on campus for those in need. Our Celebrate Recovery program became recognized as a CR official site.
Our missions department is involved globally with strategic partnerships. We are partnered with Project Samuel in Nicaragua, Youth for Christ in Italy, Prince of Peace in India, and with children’s ministry in Romania.

As I look back on 2022, I see the provision, grace, and faithfulness of God. It was a year of highs and lows. In it all, He was there. This past year was a pivotal year for GC. I look forward to what God is going to do through us over this coming year. Thank you once again for your support. For showing up week after week. For serving faithfully, for giving sacrificially, and loving sincerely. May we always be a haven for the broken and a place of hope for the hopeless. May we always love as Christ has loved us!

In His Service,

Dr. Brandon L. Key