Love the Family. Love the Community. Love the World. 

GC is dedicated to reaching people in our local community and around the world. Through local food ministry and supply drives, partnerships with local schools, Thanksgiving and Christmas drives, and mission outreaches all over the world we are making a difference for the Kingdom of God. Our Mission's Cafe that is located in our church lobby and local giving in our congregation help us provide the financial support that allows all these ministries to take place. 

Food Bank

Monthly, GC feeds local families that are need. Food distribution happens the 3rd Saturday of every month. Our Food Bank is located on the back side of our property and helps local families with food, supplies, and clothing needs. All donations to the Food Bank go to minister to these families and are appreciated. Also, volunteers are always needed to help organize and distribute. 

Celebrate Recovery

Weekly, our CR program meets to help those dealing with hurts, habits, and hang-ups. No matter our walks of life or struggles, there is support, hope, and love available to all. From divorce and loss, to anger or frustration,  or alcohol and drug addiction, this ministry is here to provide healing and help. CR meets every Thursday at 7:00 P.M. in our Ministry Center on campus. 

School and Hospital Partnerships

Every year, GC partners with the schools in our area to provide supplies, Christmas, meals, etc. We also partner with our local children's hospital with coloring books and other supplies children may need as they go through surgeries and cancer treatments. 


GC also partners with Fellowship of Christian Athletes in spreading the Gospel at our schools and on our sport teams. Through monetary donations and mentoring opportunities, we are touching young people all over the CSRA with the Gospel of Christ. 

India and Pakistan

GC partners with Prince of Peace Ministries and the Paul family in both India and Pakistan. This ministry focuses on training up pastors, leading local churches, and caring for the children in these countries. 

Project Samuel 

Project Samuel is a ministry to children in both Nicaragua and Zambia. GC partners with Timothy and Brendan Vowell to impact children in these countries. 

Youth for Christ Italy

GC partners with the Steele family in Italy to reach students and young people in that local area and those attached to servicemen and women in the U.S. military. 

Europe's Child

Europe's Child is focused on reaching children in Romania. This ministry is led by Don Chavis, and GC provides them with monetary support.